What is the real life?

It was one of the warmest days on earth.I was busy in making the display board for my classroom. it was burning outside but inside the room it was pleasant due to air conditioners. "what a mind the human has got! he discovers the ways to fight with the troubles. in icy winters he manages to keep him warm and in hot summers he has the arrangements to keep him cool." i thought. but the real success will lie when all these luxuries will be enjoyed by all the men on earth.

It is really not a good sight to have a discriminated society where we see a boss sitting in a chilled room and a peon sitting outside in heat, to see a man sitting in an expensive can hardly noticing a poor boy cleaning his car hoping he will get some money for it, to see a woman spending thousands on her clothes and a poor woman sewing them the whole night to get money to pay the school fee of her kids, to see a child with a variety of food in his lunch box which he is unwilling to eat and a child picking papers from the heaps of garbage to sell them to buy food, to see the people going to their work in by comfortable costly vehicles and the people waiting by the roadside for labour to earn a few nuts for their life...

Why is this discrimination on earth? this is the question that I often ask myself. life is really difficult. we all are trying to survive hoping to spend a better life. life demands us to act like heroes but heroes are in films only we are not heroes.

With a wave of disappointment I came back to my work. I was painting a boat. i am worst at painting but because I had nobody to help me I was having no option than to paint myself. I was painting the ore when i got connected with the boat and its ores mentioned in the novel " the old-man and the sea" by an american writer Ernest Hemingway. I looked at the white board hung in my empty classroom. I saw the waves appearing on that. i saw the clear sketch of the boat which later turned into the real boat. I felt the cool moist breeze touching my face. i felt the wet sand under my feet. i was hearing the sound of waves rushing to he shore later i saw them racing against one another. i thought that why they were running behind one another. were they also trying to stand first in race but it was a pure human trait they why were they? I saw them imprisoned to a frame so they were moving inside only. but sometimes they get detracted and violent and break the boundaries and cause destruction. same is the case with humans.everything is good until the man does not break his limits. one he does he causes anarchy and disasters in society. every thing is good if its confined to its limits.

I was thinking when I saw Santiago( the main character of the novel) coming to me.I could easily recognize him from his get up. he was a thin,lean and poor fisherman. got little scared that what would I say if he asked me the reason of standing with his boat but he did not notice my presence and went to the boat. his boat was an old looking boat like him but it seemed it was made with strong planks.Santiago was about to plunge in the mighty ocean with his boat to catch some fish. he seemed fully prepared and determined for his success.he aimed to break the 84 days' monotony of being unlucky to not to catch a fish. he wanted to show the the world that he was not a failure.

Then he started his voyage. I could see his confidence on his wrinkled face. he looked at me with an expressionless face and pointed to the left corner of the boat to sit. I obeyed his silent order quickly. he threw the bait in the ocean. it was like he crossed the first milestone to his destination. I was thinking that in this deep vast ocean, with a number of sea creatures how would he catch his required one. further I realized that he had a focused aim to work on and he had nothing to do with the rest of the matters. I was seeing him patiently for the fishing rod to get the signals.the fishing line gave the signal that it got succeeded to get stuck in the throat of a big marlin.I saw a movement in Santiago's wrinkles. he was having a smile on his face.he was waiting for the marlin to come up. i was shocked that y he was not anxious,why he was not in hurry to see his symbol of success. he was peacefully waiting. two days passed but he was the same. I thought that he had been sunky, he should try once more. another day passed but his patience was not tired. after all the marlin gave up and decided to come up. we both were very happy that finally that tine arrived but the lusty sharks did not like it. they attacked the marlin. Santiago killed a shark with his harpoon but during fight he lost his harpoon. then he used his ore and knife to make another harpoon he was fighting with the sharks and i was looking at the lean old man turning into a soldier in a battlefield. he was alone but he did not bother it. he was weak but he did not think about it. he was simply fighting and after all we reached the shore. he was extremely tired so he moved to his home to have some rest. I could see his proud walk but he was unaware of it. he just knew that he had fought fearlessly and defeated his enemy. leaving the huge skeleton of marlin eaten by the hungry sharks he went. I saw a group of fishermen coming to the skeleton of marlin and talking in astonishment of that great success. I stepped backwards thinking

"Santiago is a real undefeated hero. he has shown the life that his courage was stronger than the hurdles created by the life."


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