Annu Jee

Annu jee is that character of society which is very rarely found in society these days. she is an example in herself. she is
self motivated, strong, skilled, groomed, hard-working and a self honoured lady. She is an aya "caretaker of kids" in a renowned school system of Pakistan.

it is almost six years ago when i started my professional life by joining a well known school of my country. it was my first week after joining and i was very excited but nervous to the new environment. i was confusingly finding the way to canteen as i was terribly hungry when i saw her the first time. She was a tall beautiful lady of 40 years.she was guiding the students to the classrooms. from her official get up i got to know about her designation. i asked her to bring me something to eat with a cup of tea opening my wallet for which she replied seriously ,"miss its not my duty" i was shocked at that blunt reply. i got ashamed and thought that she is not a civilized and courteous at all. i disliked her for being rude to me.

Day after day i was observing her. there was something in her that forced me watching her working. there was no doubt that she was a typical punjabi woman. punjabi women are famous for their beauty they are tall with good physical structure. their sooted eyes with sharp facial features are very attractive.a sophisticatedly made brat hangs on their back. they are never tiring strong women. they are master at domestic work. they help their husbands in fields as well. they are fearless to take initiatives for their would not b injustice if i call annu jee a true picture of punjabi culture.

i did not have good terms with her because of her blunt replies but one thing was clear that i never saw her sitting freely. all the time she was busy in work.time was flying and i got too busy in career making.i did not have time to observe anyone was working hard to get success and step by step i was attaining it.then one day i got a news that annu jee had a road accident and she got severely injured but she did not get any major injury. i felt sorry for her and the next day it was an old news for all of us. then after a week a colleague of mine requested me to visit annu jee. i was little reluctant as i had a busy schedule yet i got agreed. after school we went to her home. we stopped in front of a door where several jute pieces were joined together to get a shape of a curtain. the door was open yet we knocked. some kids were playing in the yard we got confirmed weather it was the right home or not. a woman came to us who resembled with annu jee may be she was her sister. she said us to come in. it was a small house consisted of merely one room and a small yard.she took us to the room where annu jee was was a small dark room but neat and clean.there was no expensive furniture only two bedsteads and two chairs. i was looking at the embroidered bed sheet when annu jee woke up and tried to get out of the bed. trying to be nice i stopped her to do so.she was very happy to see us. she immediately said to that woman to arrange for some tea.we askes about her health and general things. meanwhile the tea was brought g told us about that woman that she was her siatee. her husband did not have any job so she brought her with her kids and husband to her home. now she was responsible for that family's expensive was thinking of her greatness as she was one of the lowest paid employees but how greatly she was bearing the expenses of all. it was the day of surprizes. she surprised me when she pointed to a ten years old boys and told that he was her adopted son as she was never blessed with a baby.she told that her husband was an asthmatic person and left his work years ago. i wanted to ask the how did she manage all but could not muster up my courage but that wise lady read that question in my eyes and replied,"miss ayesha i am very grateful to the God that He has blessed me everything".while coming back i was having entirely different feelings about annu gi. now she was not looking a blunt and rude lady to me rather she was a source of inspiration for me.

it has been almost one and a half year that i have left that school but annu jee still comes to see me on special occasions. she meets me with love and each time i wonder that why that great lady has such feelings for me when she doesn,t know that i hated her in the beginning. may be its another side of her kind personality that people like me are unable to see.


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