How do i look at religion

The idea came into my mind when I was discussing religion with my non-Muslim friend generally. She asked me the following questions:
  • who is a good human?
  • who is a good Muslim?
  • what is Islam?
well I am not a religious scholar or a religious person. it my view point as a common man. I answered a good human is a good Muslim actually and the code of conduct for that good human is Islam because it includes the Dos and Don'ts for him which are according to his nature. when I finished the talk I started pondering over the existence of religion in our society and following is that I evaluated.

in our society religion is in our talks and show offs mostly. we love to quote Islam when we argue with our coworkers or the people we dislike. we pick their mistakes and analyze and evaluate them on Islamic measures without considering how much we follow them. We love to dress up like a Muslim because we actually want to show that others are inferior in the eyes of Allah. although the reality is well know by Allah himself that who is dear to Him. The essence of Islam is missing completely. the spirit of any religion comes when that religion comes in the practices and dealings of the followers .We are fighting on the structure of Islam while missing the essential element that is the
practice in dealings or the implementation.

one of my friends in UK used to say that you won't see Muslims in UK but you would see Islam here. contrary to that we see many Muslims in our society but we don't see Islam here. (here I refer to so called Muslims)I would explain it as Islam is not the name of a get up or a topic of discussion its the name of practice. it a divine love that we express through our love with the fellow beings. we love to criticize non-Muslims on their life style but we always forget to appreciate their open and broad mindedness. let me explain how do I view at open minded and a broadminded person. "an open minded person is one who is flexible towards positive change while a broad minded person is one who has a broader view to look at the things. He does not look at the things with his own set frame."
the real problem lied when we tried to set Islam in our social and cultural frame while the society and culture was to be set in Islamic frame which is the broadest one no doubt. we tried to mold Islam according to our social and cultural norms. its really a matter to be worried upon. this is the biggest mistake we did.

our generation is going far from Islam because our past generation has presented Islam in a rigid way. we come across many things in our daily life that are against Islam but our society has absorbed them so well that we cant question about them even. we have no interest in religious studies or research. the society has represented a picture of a good Muslim in a pathetic and horrible way that I am just afraid what will happen in future when our kids will criticize us for not giving them the real religious awareness. Religious awareness does not get finish at making kids recite Holy Qur'an or keeping beard or wearing hijab. it's a narrow concept. we need to make religion our attitude. we have to give the concept of religion to our upcoming generation in a broader way that it may become their desired choice to be the followers of Islam and they may not feel it an imposed one. but for this we must bring Islam in our practical life because we are not the generation of theories. we are the generation of implantation and practices. Do remember Islam is not the name of worship of the One merely but the love for the One too.


  1. I really appreciate your point of view and a positive struggle for good change.. ISLAM has predefined certain limits and frames which are not allowed any amendment and changes.


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