The Real Happiness

LAst night i was reading an article regarding Stress Management. it was an amazing article. i was caught by the idea to do at least five things that make one happy. In the present era when we see stress, tenshion and anexity everywhere we need such kind of mental theropies to exist in this cruel world. I decided to act upon the advice. I took dinner and winded up the routine tasks . I was continusously thinking about the things that make me happy. Then finally i was on bed.This is probably my favourite time when i am all alone in my relam of thoughts without any interruption. THis is the time when i have plenty of time to think,think and think. I looked out of my room alomost every body was fall asleep or may be lost in their relams of thoughts like me. i wondered that modern living styles have seoarated us from our families. EVerybody is locked in his room regardless of what others are doing. We all have separate rooms and as a result everybody has a separate world. i peeped in past where i am seven years old.IT is a burning summer evening,a wide yard with a thick jambolin tree and many bedsteads.TWo air coolers are desperately trying to decrease the heat. Children are playing ludo and the naughtiest child is jumping on the bedstead.THe grandmother is continuously snubbing him but he is adament he is busy with his enjoyment.My mom is busy in windinding up the domestic tasks.At last everybody gets stuck at the roar of my father to his place.All the lights are out off and mom recites some Quranic Verses for our protection and goes to sleep but the sleep ia far from my eyes.I start looking at the stars. SInce my childhood i dislike moonlight i love the dark stary nights. It is also a dark stary night. the sky is full of tiny white dot. it is an amazing view. Suddenly i see a tiny star moving. my Science teachers word echo in my ears," THere are planets in the sky as well,you can see them.moving". It was probably a planet-i saw the plant for the first time in my joyfulness i whispered to my brother,"Hey look thats the planet"but he didn't answer probably he was sleeping.I was extremely happy that i was gonna share it with my classmates the next day.

IN a flashback,i was in present. i had to think about the things that make me happy.After thinking a lot i knew that i did not have anything in my life like that. it pinched me and i was irritated that what kinda life i was living afrer all.i recalled the famous poem "Leisure" in which the poet focuses on taking out time frome the busy life to enjoy the beauties of nature. THis poem reminded me that i loved high green mountains. i even felt fresh by reading and even imagining them. i have read many travelogues of the famous Pakistani writer Mustansar HUssain TArar.He writes about the beauties of the northern areas of Pakistan. i once got a chance to visit some of those places almost 14 years ago.

i was back to the point again to think n do the things that make me happy. so i decided to figure out the moments when i was happy. THe latest ones were- when i got appointment letter of my job,when i met deadlines,when school coordinator mentioned my name in one of the efficient members,when my daughter secured high grades, when parents of my students appreciated my work and so on. i was stuck there i thought that i had related all my happiness with my professional life. meanwhile i turned my face and the cutest face of world was in front of me i kissed my daughter and she hugged me. i felt my entire existence filled with joy and happiness. i thanked Allah Almighty for blessing me with such a lovely daughter.


  1. Make list of things dat give u pleasure n also do make list of things dat make u tense...
    Turn urself 2 things dat make u happy in case of any trigger or episode in life dat make u feel bad this wl put u out of dat episode of stress :)

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  3. hmm hr ksi ka different life style hota may be kch logo k pas aisi boht c reasons hon ya wo happy rehny k liye khud kch aisa krty hon for example poor n needy people ki help, hr insan ko happy rehny ki reasons hoti hain, jese ap k pas sari reasons professional life se related thin, busy routine me happiness k lamhy mostly aise e hoty hain, aise life style me Nmaz Quran Pak ko time dia jaye to i think kafi ho ga happy rehny k liye.


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